Community Garden
plot rentals
​Please contact:
Joe Mullenberg at meadowoodgarden@gmail.com
(608) 240-0409
Typically, plots cost $12/$40/$75 depending on income, but gardens can add a water surcharge to cover cost of water. An application, demographics form, and payment (check or cash) are usually submitted in March at registration day. However, applications are still accepted at other times if plots are open.
Community Garden FAQ
How are garden plots reserved?
All interested gardeners must register with garden coordinators/leaders. Every spring (usually in March) registration is held at a specific location. 2019 registration took place on March 16 at Good Shepherd Church. Current plot holders wanting to secure their plot for the following season should contact their garden coordinator or Community GroundWorks, 2702 International Lane, Suite 200, Madison, WI 53704. Contact should be initiated before March of that year's season.
How is advertising of the availability of plots being done in the neighborhood?
The Gardens Network website has the garden information for anyone interested in gardening at Hammersley Park Gardens or Meadowood Park Garden. Information on garden registration is also shared on the neighborhood association website and Facebook page.
Does anyone oversee the gardens during the season?
Hammersley Park Garden: Contact hammersleycg@gmail.com or (541) 990-2722
Meadowood Park Garden: Contact Joe at meadowoodgarden@gmail.com or (608) 240-0409
Is the kids garden active?
The kids garden is active, coordinated by the Mellowhood Youth.